Root Canal Treatment: Sounds Scary but Not

It’s almost a classic routine: somebody says “root canal” and everyone runs in the opposite direction. If lack of knowledge is fueling your fear, we invite you to learn more about the root canals of your teeth. Once you know more about where they are, how they stay healthy, and what happens when they are not, you can have a more realistic expectation of what will happen should you be referred for root canal treatment by a trusted dentist. (more…)

Restorative Dentistry: Can You Pass Our Quiz?

When you check out our website and come in for care, you may notice that there are some major care categories that you hear mentioned frequently. If you hear about restorative dentistry but aren’t quite sure what it covers, then you’ll be happy to hear the “in a nutshell version.” It’s the area of care that fixes your oral health when something goes wrong (but not so wrong that we cannot save your teeth or other tissues). As for those particulars, let’s see if you know more than you’re letting on. Can you pass our quiz?


Cosmetic Care: Do You Know What You Need?

Do you know exactly what you need for your teeth when it comes to accessing cosmetic dentistry? Are you under the impression that if you can identify a particular types of esthetic damage, there’s no need for a discussion with us because you can connect the treatment to the type of issue you’re seeing? If so, then we think you may need a bit more information from our team!


Electric Toothbrushes: 3 Tips

When you’re thinking that it could be an interesting adventure to use an electric toothbrush, there’s no reason to hesitate! However, there are certainly some reasons to hold off if you think that you have to use this type of dental hygiene instrument, if you think that it’s going to break the bank, and more. So, let’s jump right in: Make the most of your experience in electric brush land by keeping some tips in mind.


Quiz: Dental Pain And Care

What do you know about dental pain? Do you think that it’s just a normal part of life that you need to deal with? Do you think that it should be just a little bit uncomfortable to brush and floss your smile? Maybe you aren’t sure how to respond to discomfort that doesn’t have a clear set of symptoms and a self-diagnosis. Let’s see where you are with your knowledge at the moment. When you understand how comfortable your smile should feel and how to manage it, protecting your oral health becomes much easier.


Quiz: Let’s Grade Your Flossing Habits!

Are you on top of your flossing habits? Do you think that you perform your dental hygiene like a true pro? If you’re nodding your head “yes,” we wonder, how do you think you’d do with a flossing quiz? If you’re backing away slowly and looking for a place to hide, then you just might need to review and possibly refresh those habits of yours. Turn okay practices into best practices and your oral health will thank you.


Thanksgiving Beverages: Myth Or Fact?

As Thanksgiving rushes toward us, promising all sorts of splendor as we dig into the comforting, heart-warming foods we look forward to throughout the year, there may be something on your mind: What’s the truth regarding the beverage choices you make during this celebratory meal? Can you make choices that are good for your oral health (or bad) all depending on what you fill your glass with? We’d love to help you begin sorting myth from fact, so your festivities are full of fun.


Toothbrush Etiquette: Things To Remember

Are you a little shocked by the idea of toothbrush etiquette? If you’re worried we’re about to offer up a lesson regarding how to hold your toothbrush and act in a genteel manner while you brush, think again! Our dental hygiene tips for today are strictly about keeping your smile safe and making choices that, though they appear to be good manners, are actually beneficial for your teeth, gums, and overall health! Starting to feel a bit more interested? Consider a couple details to remember.


Why Does My Tooth Ache?

When we develop pain in or around our teeth, this is often due to an issue that requires immediate treatment. In today’s blog, we’re going to look at the common causes of a toothache, and suggest possible remedies. No matter what, you should never hesitate to contact your dentist if you notice discomfort that doesn’t subside after 48 hours!
