A Quick Review: Dramatic Improvements For Your Smile

There are those little changes that you can make to your smile that make an impact, such as fixing a chip, repairing a cavity, etc. However, when we’re talking about the other end of the spectrum, there are some serious, dramatic changes that will result in a true smile transformation! If you’re feeling like you could really use some type of 180 for your smile but you aren’t really sure how to go about doing it, our Austin, TX team reminds you of some examples of the treatments we offer. Ready for a change? Come in soon!

Teeth Whitening!

You might not really think too much about the impact that teeth whitening can have. Sure, you are aware that you can enjoy whiter teeth with this cosmetic treatment and that it’s a popular choice. However, you may not recognize that when you’re dealing with all-over discoloration, the result of whitening is a true smile transformation! If you think that you’re likely a good candidate for this type of care, then come on in! We can help whiten your smile very soon.


This one might not shock you quite as much. We like to remind patients that when they’re hoping for a true smile transformation and what they would like is to change nearly every last esthetic detail of their smiles, porcelain veneers are where it’s at! Remember that these are very thin shells that are bonded to the visible parts of your teeth. So, we can fully make over your grin by changing the shape and size of teeth, we can close gaps, we can brighten your smile, improve texture, and more!

Full Dentures!

When you have experienced complete tooth loss, you can look forward to a true smile transformation (and quickly) when you select full dentures. If you haven’t had any experience with them, we strongly encourage you to come in soon to learn more. You may be surprised by their modern, lightweight, and sleek appearance that works for many patients. Select this option for yourself, as you wave goodbye to tooth loss and transform your smile into a complete grin in an instant!

Same Day Crowns!

When you need a crown, multiple crowns, or some very visible crowns, one thing is certain: You probably don’t feel very good about the appearance of your smile because your teeth are quite damaged. Fortunately, you can make those teeth look good as new and you can do it in one visit with our gorgeous same-day crowns.

Enjoy A Smile Transformation

Completely overhaul your smile for the better when you’re ready for a dramatic transformation! Come see us soon, if you don’t necessarily know what you need but you know what you want to accomplish, so we may help. Schedule a visit with your dentist in Austin, TX by contacting Austin General Dentistry today at 512-346-5540.