Scheduling Visits: Simple, Effective Ways To Get Motivated

You know that the actual act of scheduling a dental visit is very simple. You pick up the phone, you dial our number, a friendly member of our Austin, TX team works with you to select a date and time, and you hang up. Done! However, there’s something about getting to the point of actually picking up the phone to make this happen that can cause a great amount of hesitation and resistance on your part. Maybe you tend to think about and then immediately forget about it. Perhaps the thought rarely crosses your mind. Or, you may frequently say, “Oh, I’ll do it tomorrow!” Whatever your particular reason, we have some simple, effective ways of getting motivated!

Start Relying On Your Cell Phone For Planning Details

Your cell phone does so many things for you! When we’re focusing on scheduling dental visits, it can help with every detail. It will let you call us, let you make a note of your visit date and time, and you can even set it to chime when the day of your visit has arrived!

Give Yourself An Incentive

Don’t be embarrassed! You may feel like a rewards system is for kids but we certainly aren’t implying you give yourself a daily sticker once you complete your dental hygiene or schedule dental visits with us (though, if you’re a sticker fanatic, go right ahead!). Humans thrive on incentive systems, which is why we suggest, if this works well for you, including it in your life in order to provide yourself the push to follow through with care you need. Is a nice, healthy, lovely smile a good reward? Of course! However, if it is not rewarding enough to act alone as inspiration, then come up with anything that you know will provide you with the extra nudge you need.

Set Long-Term Goals

If you’re having trouble following through with setting up short-term goals, like scheduling your six-month dental visits, it may be because you aren’t really considering the big picture. Sometimes, when you consider the larger goal in mind, it’s easier to recognize just how important the little pieces are that you put together in order to get there. For instance, perhaps you want your smile to be back in exceptional health by the end of the year and you’d like to receive teeth whitening. Begin by setting up your first checkup and cleaning. Follow through on any restorative care you need. Set up your next preventive visit and determine when you’ll be ready for whitening!

Set Up Care With Great Ease

Come in for the care you need by providing yourself with the means through which you feel motivated to do so! Not sure how to make things any easier but you’d like to? Just ask for our helpful advice next visit! Schedule a visit with your dentist in Austin, TX by contacting Austin General Dentistry today at 512-346-5540.