Yes, Replacing Missing Teeth Is The Right Move!

If tooth loss is something you are currently thinking about most of the time because you are missing teeth, then you might feel a little unsure about something that’s very important: Whether or not to replace your teeth. Part of you assumes it only makes sense to replace them. The other part wonders: What if you decided not to? Fortunately, this is an issue our Austin, TX team can very quickly put to rest, so you can move forward! The answer is always that replacing the teeth that are missing and filling open spaces is the right move. Now, as for why, we can help with that, too!

You Stop Teeth From Moving

Most people who experience tooth loss are not immediately aware of the fact that the open spaces are not going to stay that way forever. They may become smaller. Why? Well, because the teeth that remain standing in your smile may slowly but surely work their way in the direction of the openings. We remind you that this can leave you with additional spaces between remaining teeth, as well as a misaligned smile that will require even more help in the future. Replacing missing teeth ASAP will prevent this.

You Give Yourself Your Function Back!

You know that you need your smile for a lot of different things. In order to smile a full smile, in order to chew and consume your food, in order to create words and communicate … the list is long and quite significant. So, remember that you should replace missing teeth after tooth loss to fully restore your smile’s function!

Your Smile Looks Fantastic Again

Of course, a complete smile is prettier than one with openings, which is a very good reason to replace teeth (so you feel confident).

You Promote Bite Balance

Did you know that a bite that’s balanced, with top and bottom teeth fitting together correctly, is important for your overall oral health? Were you aware that when you lose one tooth or multiple teeth that this can shift your bite, leading to a problem with your balance? Unfortunately, when you ignore this factor, it can lead to the development of functional disorders, which are often caused by poor balance. This might include TMJ disorder or bruxism. Replacing missing teeth is a wonderful choice because it helps you avoid these potential issues!

Protect Your Smile With Tooth Replacements

Come in to learn all about the options available to you, when you deal with tooth loss. Remember that we offer a variety of treatment options, all of which we will be happy to explain to you in detail! Schedule a visit with your dentist in Austin, TX by contacting Austin General Dentistry today at 512-346-5540.

Dr. Loveless: