Smile Care: Alternatives For Stuff You Don’t Love

When the topic of the day is your smile care, you know what’s expected and what you need to do to keep all of those very important tissues in lovely condition. However, you may wonder to yourself what you should do when you’re really not happy with certain aspects of dental hygiene, etc. For instance, what if you can’t stand the way it feels to brush your tongue but you know you have to clean it? For advice in regard to this particular detail and more, our Austin, TX team can quickly show you that seeking out alternatives can make a world of difference!

If You Loathe Tongue Brushing

You know that in addition to brushing your teeth and flossing your entire smile in order to keep your oral health safe, smile care that’s good smile care also requires you to cleanse your tongue. However, if you are like many patients who find the sensation of having brush bristles and toothpaste dragged across your tongue to be too strange or unpleasant, you’re not out of luck. Rather than using this method, switch to a tongue scraper instead. It may sound aggressive but it’s actually the opposite! It’s a comfortable, smooth way to keep your tongue clean without the use of brush bristles. Try it out!

If You Can’t Stand Mint

Yep, you have correctly recognized that the world of dental care includes lots and lots of mint. However, when your taste buds are just not big fans of this flavor, you may find yourself feeling stressed out about smile care. How are you supposed to keep your oral health safe when you cannot stand the toothpaste, dental floss, and more that are so popular? With ease, we remind you! There are other flavors out there, it’s just a matter of taking a closer look. Cinnamon is a frequent option. You may even find some fruit-flavored choices, berry options, and even flavor-free items (like dental floss). Remember, as well, that you have a world of variety and unique options when you search for products online. Just make sure they’re reliable (ADA approval is a clear sign).

Your Toothbrush

Maybe you’ve tried every toothbrush you can imagine but you’re just not having any success. You’re doing what you are fairly certain is required of you in terms of brushing but you just don’t think you’re doing enough for your smile care. We encourage you to try out powered brushes instead. You may find that they give you that extra bit of oomph your smile needs for complete protection from oral health problems.

See Us For Helpful Hygiene Tips

When you need helpful tips for your dental hygiene, remember that our team is always more than happy to discuss details with you. From product options to your unique approach, we will be pleased to help. Schedule a visit with your dentist in Austin, TX by contacting Austin General Dentistry today at 512-346-5540.

Dr. Loveless: