Guess What? You Always Treat Decay In A Day!

On one hand, you think to yourself about the cavity you’re pretty sure you have, you will probably just need a dental filling. You know that fillings are not that big of a deal, so why should you feel so hesitant to schedule a visit with our Austin, TX team? On the other hand, you realize, you could have more serious tooth decay and that might mean a dental crown. You are somewhat sure that crowns can take weeks, so when all is said and done, what you’d really like to do is just hide out, try to forget about your tooth, and skip coming in for care. Here are two very important things to remember: You’re going to want to see us no matter what, so you can treat the cavity without ending up eventually losing your tooth! Also, amazing news: We can treat your decay in a day … either way!

You’re Correct: Fillings Are Easy!

Perhaps you are already well aware that dental fillings are not something that will add complication to your life. Instead, our team recognizes that patients are relieved when they realize that having to receive a filling for tooth decay is really nothing to get worried or upset about. It’s convenient! It takes just one brief visit. When you’re through, you’ve still got most of your tooth tissue preserved, you are no longer dealing with the pain of decay, and your tooth is whole again. Even better? The fillings that we offer include white fillings, so if your tooth is visible, you can rely on composite resin or porcelain/ceramic if you so choose!

About That Crown: It Can Take One Day

If your knowledge about dental crowns is from before the days of same-day crowns, which we offer at our practice, then you are in for quite a treat! We know, going from a restoration that could take weeks and would require you to wear a temporary crown to one that literally takes a single visit with our practice sounds too good to be true! However, it’s very real. Thanks to advanced technology, we can gather digital impressions and make your crown on site. So, when your tooth decay is too much for a filling to handle, you are in luck: It’s still incredibly convenient to receive the care you require (and it will look beautiful, too).

See Us For Tooth Decay Treatment That’s Convenient

When you worry that coming in for your cavity is going to be difficult, remember that we offer extremely convenient, beautiful restorative treatments. Schedule a visit with your dentist in Austin, TX by contacting Austin General Dentistry today at 512-346-5540.

Dr. Loveless: