3 Times You (Incorrectly) Think You Shouldn’t Come In

There are times when you might think to yourself that even though you’d like dental care, you probably shouldn’t come in. You might even feel certain of it! However, we are actually hard pressed to think of any time we would tell you not to seek smile care with our team. Generally speaking, it is absolutely always to your benefit to call our practice, tell us what’s going on, and then go from there. However, if you feel embarrassed or so sure about your reason for staying away, you may feel silly calling (which, again, you should never feel!). Let our Austin, TX team take you step by step through some of these potential moments, so you see that we really mean it: Care with us is always essential.

#1: When You’re Pregnant

When you’re pregnant, there may be some thought circulating in your brain that insists you cannot receive professional dental treatments in any capacity once you’re expecting. We hear this quite a lot. The good news is that it’s safe (in fact, extremely beneficial) for you to keep up with your dental care during this time. You want every single aspect of your health to remain in tip-top condition (and, since there can be oral surprises during pregnancy like new sensations and a greater vulnerability to gum disease), you should certainly come in.

#2: When It’s Been A Very, Very, Super-Duper Long Time

If it’s been so long that you have trouble even remembering the last dentist you saw or what year it was, you might not have been in for dental care for a very long time. We know that this may cause you to feel like you’ve got to hide out forever. This really isn’t the case. We would truly love to see you and tailor your care to ensure you can enjoy a healthy smile (and that you feel comfortable coming in again for routine care).

#3: When You Figure You Could Fix The Problem Yourself

Yes, of course, you are probably one very capable and conceptually outstanding individual! However, even with that said, if you are not a dentist, then our team gives you the reminder that you that you should absolutely not ever feel compelled to treat your own smile (actually, you just flat out should not attempt this at all, ever!). See us instead.

See Us For A Visit No Matter Your Smile Concern

Don’t spend time debating whether you should or should not see us for a dental visit if you are experiencing any type of a problem or require care. The answer is always that you should! Schedule a visit with your dentist in Austin, TX by contacting Austin General Dentistry today at 512-346-5540.

Dr. Loveless: