Tooth-Colored Fillings: Are They Really That Wonderful?

It’s not that you have never heard of tooth-colored fillings before. It’s just that you find yourself somewhat shocked by the extent to which these restorations seem to excite anyone who begins talking about them. Are they really that wonderful, you wonder, and what makes them something worthy of so much praise? Fortunately, you’ve got our Austin, TX team on hand to remove any uncertainty you face (perhaps you wonder if it’s just a lot of hype!), as we explain why patients tend to feel relieved and enthusiastic about addressing tooth decay with a white filling.

They’re A Shade That Matches Your Tooth

Nope, tooth-colored fillings aren’t called white fillings, too, because they’re a stark white that is close to the color of your teeth. Instead, we provide you with a restoration that matches the color of your affected tooth. Remember that in addition to wanting to remove the tooth decay, as we stop its progression and leave your tooth disease-free, whole, and healthy again, we would really like for you to feel good about your smile (and how it looks)! When you feel satisfied, it’s much easier to feel confident following through with any and all future smile care you need (which is what we like to hear!).

They Don’t Get Hot Or Cold

If you have any metal fillings in your smile, then you know what it feels like when you bite into ice cream or sip something very hot. Metal is a very good conductor of thermal energy, which loosely translates to: If you eat something hot, the metal gets hot, if you eat something cold, it gets cold. Your nerves don’t like this, so you can end up with sensitivity! When you receive a tooth-colored filling, though, the composite resin we use for that treatment will not conduct thermal energy very well, so you do not have to worry about this type of sensitivity issue!

They’re Safe For, Well, Almost Everyone!

Older kids, younger kids, adults, teens, pregnant women, individuals who are allergic to or sensitive to metal: They are all good candidates for tooth-colored fillings. Did you know that of the aforementioned people, those with metal sensitivities or allergies, very young children, and pregnant women should not receive metal fillings? This is another reason the white restorations are so wonderful. Nearly anyone may access them!

Celebrate The Advantages Of White Fillings

Come in not only to receive a solution for your tooth decay but also to enjoy the benefits of a treatment that will restore your oral health and yield beautiful results. Receive your tooth-colored filling ASAP! Schedule a visit with your dentist in Austin, TX by contacting Austin General Dentistry today at 512-346-5540.

Dr. Loveless: