Sealants: Compelling Reasons To Say, “Yes!” 

Have you considered dental sealants, yet, for your child? Maybe you are on the fence, you haven’t really given them much thought, or you keep thinking about following through (but just haven’t gotten around to it yet). Whatever the particular detail is that’s kept you away from this preventive care children’s treatment, we remind you that there are some exceptionally compelling reasons to get motivated, bring your kiddo in, and to say “yes!” to sealants at our Austin, TX practice. Find out a bit more.

They’re Not Visible

We know that parents are often worried about how treatment are going to affect their children’s smiles cosmetically. Will your child be teased, you wonder? Will it impact your child’s confidence? We remind you: Dental sealants are not going to be visible to your little one, to you, or to anyone else for that matter! We can see them to monitor them but aside from that, they’re basically invisible.

They’re Extremely Protective

Now, in addition to being quite unobtrusive in your child’s life, we remind you that dental sealants are very beneficial! They contribute by offering amazing protection. How do they do this, you ask? In short, they form a barrier that will rest directly over back teeth (just the chewing surfaces). Remember, these areas are highly textured, which means lots of places where bacteria become trapped (and can lead to tooth decay and a need for fillings). Sealants seal bacteria out.

They Last (And Last…And Last)

If you select dental sealants for your child’s oral health protection, this isn’t something that just offers a quick dose of safeguarding. Instead, you can feel excited about the fact that the sealants remain in place for up to about 10 years or so. Talk about a worthwhile decision!

They Make Learning Fun, Not Upsetting

Your kids need to learn how to brush their teeth and floss and, eventually, the hope is that they do so very effectively! Until the day that they become exceptional with their dental hygiene, though, there is certainly a bit of a learning curve. We encourage you to remember that by placing dental sealants, it’s like offering training wheels! Your children have some additional protection that helps, even if they accidentally miss some of those very-hard-to-reach parts of back teeth. It lets the learning experience feel a bit more fun!

Bring Kids In For Sealants

When you’re interested in dental sealants but you aren’t sure about them, we encourage you to come in to learn more from our friendly team! Place sealants soon, so your child’s smile can develop with extra protection. Schedule a visit with your dentist in Austin, TX by contacting Austin General Dentistry today at 512-346-5540.

Dr. Loveless: