Do You Wonder About Dental Implants?

Our Austin, TX dental team answers many questions, on many dental subjects. One area that comes up often is dental implants. While replacement teeth of various materials have been around for hundreds of years, the modern, titanium post dental implant was developed in the 1950s. Since then, methods and models have been tested and improved until today, a dental implant, or an implant supported prothesis can last for many years, and be almost indistinguishable from natural teeth. Do you wonder if a dental implant might be right for you?

An Implant Can Replace a Missing Tooth

While the first choice of our caring dental team is always to save a tooth, or teeth, sometimes that is not possible. Extraction is necessary when a tooth has been so damaged due to decay or injury that it cannot be saved. Other time injury to the face or jaw can dislodge a tooth. Even if you were willing to face the cosmetic consequences of a gap in your smile, the right restorative answer is to fill the space with an implant in a timely manner. This way, the other teeth remain in their correct positions, and the bite forces and jaw pressures remain in balance.

Do Implant Dentures Take Lots of Implant Posts?

Implant bridges and dentures take more than one implant post, but they do not need a post for every tooth. Your dentist will take precise measurements for your prosthesis, and place the correct number of posts to hold it securely in place. With implant bridges and dentures, you can eat, chew, speak and smile with confidence at all times.

Will My Insurance Cover an Implant?

Each insurance situation is unique, but most implants are considered restorative procedures, rather than cosmetic, which means many plans will consider coverage. Our experienced team will work to make sure you understand benefits and payments beforehand. We have financing options available, in the event they are needed.

Let Us Know The Implant Questions On Your Mind

If you have been recommended for a tooth extraction or a dental implant, you may have questions or concerns. Let us put our experience to work for you. Schedule a visit with your dentist in Austin, TX by contacting Austin General Dentistry today at 512-346-5540.

Dr. Loveless: