Sugar Overload? Let Our Halloween Tips Be Your Guide!

If there’s one thing you can say about Halloween, it’s that this holiday is very good at causing a sugar overload. Whether the effects are something you worry about because they cause you to “crash” and fall asleep on the sofa before you get a chance to brush, because with every bite you worry about smashing all of that sugar against your teeth, or because you are actually concerned for your overall health, the following is certain: You have the best of intentions for keeping the sugar consumption under control but you’re not sure how. Fortunately, our Austin, TX team is very experienced with this oral health conundrum and would love to extend some helpful tips.

Tip: You Don’t Need To Keep It In Your Home

You do not by any means have to participate in Halloween by stocking your home with candy. This includes candy that you purchase for yourself or for trick or treaters! “But what about the kids who come by collecting treats?” you might ask. You have some options here and remember, your oral health is your priority! First, find something that isn’t loaded with sugar, such as sugarless gum, pretzels, or some other bite-size option that’s smile-safe. Or, simply head to party, a friend’s house, or turn off your porch light and opt out, while you enjoy a Halloween movie! It’s up to you!

Tip: You Can Say “No Thanks” Any Time You’d Like (Or Every Time)

You think that keeping the candy away from your home is going to solve the problem. That is, until you are offered free candy at the bank, the supermarket, at your friend’s house, at work, and just about everywhere else. What should you do? If you’re having trouble avoiding sugar overload because you have a hard time ignoring the temptation, we suggest you just make a firm decision. Decide that you’re just going to politely decline the offer. It is the easiest way to completely skip the holiday sugar and the potential for decay.

Tip: You Can Rely On Helpful Smile-Cleaning Suggestions

Our team knows that you may be open to sugar overload, as long as you can protect your oral health simultaneously. Simply rely on all of the preventive tools you have at your disposal, including rinsing, brushing, flossing, and chewing sugarless gum to help remove sugars.

Let Us Help You Avoid Tooth Decay With Easy Suggestions

Take time to consider some of our simple tips that will guide you away from tooth decay! Schedule a visit with your dentist in Austin, TX by contacting Austin General Dentistry today at 512-346-5540.

Dr. Loveless: