
Q&A: Care For Your Cavities In 2019

Have you been told by our friendly Austin, TX team that you have a cavity (or two or three)? If…

Dr. Loveless

What To Do When You Don’t Like Your Teeth

If we asked you how you feel about your smile, would you respond that you don’t like your teeth? If…

Dr. Loveless

Managing Your Dental Hygiene Products

You may not have ever really given a ton of thought to the little gathering of items you collect over…

Dr. Loveless

Finding Time To Whiten Your Teeth During The Holiday Season

Holiday obligations can certainly keep a person busy. Sure, many of those obligations are full of friends, family, and fun,…

Dr. Loveless

Your Tooth Pain: What Might It Mean?

While you are probably hoping for just a couple answers to what your tooth pain means, so you can diagnose…

Dr. Loveless

Bite Balance: If It’s Off, It Can Throw Everything Off!

You might not give your bite balance as much credit as it deserves! Then again, if things aren’t really quite…

Dr. Loveless

Stop Impending Smile Problems This Holiday!

What might be going on behind the scenes that could threaten your ability to have a nice relaxing holiday season…

Dr. Loveless

Smile Care: 2 Things You Should Never Tell Yourself!

When you want to do something that you know doesn’t adhere to the basic principles of keeping your oral health…

Dr. Loveless

Watch Out! 3 Ways You’re Accidentally Spreading Germs

We are just about into cold and flu season, which means the last thing you want to do is spread…

Dr. Loveless

Sugar Overload? Let Our Halloween Tips Be Your Guide!

If there’s one thing you can say about Halloween, it’s that this holiday is very good at causing a sugar…

Dr. Loveless