Stop Impending Smile Problems This Holiday!

What might be going on behind the scenes that could threaten your ability to have a nice relaxing holiday season when it comes to your smile health? What aren’t you thinking about right now that, in the future, will cause you to look back and say, “If only I’d thought about it sooner!” we wonder? While you may be shrugging your shoulders because you cannot really come up with anything, we are happy to report that our Austin, TX team can most certainly provide you with some ideas that can prove very helpful. Once you get into the swing of thinking preventively, protecting your oral health now and well into the coming months becomes much easier.

Schedule Your Filling, Crown, Etc.

One thing that you may not realize you don’t want to experience (but that will become very clear as you’re sitting down to a holiday meal in pain) is that waiting on scheduling fillings, crowns, and other restorative care is a big no-no. Don’t let oral health concerns worsen and spoil your otherwise lovely holiday plans. Take care of them as soon as you can, so they’re no longer a concern.

Don’t Wait! Hurry Up And Schedule Your Cleaning And Checkup!

Planning on just taking care of your preventive care after the holidays because you figure your oral health can hang on until then? As we always suggest to our patients: Don’t mess around with your dental cleaning and checkup schedule! Consistent care is what keeps your smile on track. Set it up now, so you don’t accidentally put it off for much longer than you’d intended.

Fix Whatever Needs Fixing

Do you think that you damaged your dental bridge or denture? Are you thinking that something isn’t quite right with your ClearCorrect tray since you put it in your pocket (but you’d rather not admit that this is how you stored it)? Don’t ignore these problems. Instead, treat them right now before the holidays take over and you have a hard time making time for dental care! Remember, dealing with a bit of a smile care problem such as these for a week or so won’t yield any significant problems. However, if you wait, it’s sure to interrupt your celebration and can lead to side effects you’d rather have avoided altogether! See us soon.

Protect Your Smile Today And Always With Our Care

Come in as soon as you can to take care of dental care issues you need resolved to make for a relaxing holiday. Schedule a visit with your dentist in Austin, TX by contacting Austin General Dentistry today at 512-346-5540.

Dr. Loveless: