When To Pay Special Attention To Your Routine

You already know that you should always ensure you’re following a routine that adheres to the dental care guidelines we suggest, so your smile stays nice and healthy! Of course, during your usual daily life routine, this is easy. You may even feel like brushing and flossing is something you do automatically, without really having to think about it. However, there are those other times when something interrupts your usual day-to-day experience, thereby threatening to interrupt your routine! Our Austin, TX team reminds you: Just remember to pay special attention to your preventive routine during these moments, too, so your smile success continues! (Consider some examples!).

When Kids Are Out For The Summer

One of the moments you never see coming is summer vacation an its impact when you have children or even teenagers! One second, you have a very solid routine down, thanks to the structure of the school day and school week. The next? All bets are off! So, before you let this influence your dental care routine, remind yourself that everyone still needs to brush when they wake up, they still need to brush before bed, and they must floss once daily. As a result, you’ll make it through with grins unscathed!

When You’re Traveling

Don’t love the idea of promoting the development of a cavity, while you’re enjoying your vacation? Not too keen on causing your teeth to become weak as you’re on a special trip, thereby promoting future breakage? Would you prefer to come back from a long summer away without gingivitis? Just remember that it’s very easy to keep your oral health safe and sound by sticking to your usual routine, even when you’re hundreds or thousands of miles away from home, staying in a hotel, a relative’s home, etc. Brush, floss, and stay the course and your smile will stay on track.

When It’s A Special Holiday Or Event

We know that it’s so very easy to become swept away with the festivities that come with special holidays and events. It could be a birthday celebration. Or, it could be a lengthier experience, such as several days spent with family for winter holiday celebrations! Whatever the case, it’s so easy to think that just one day (or three days) don’t matter or to simply get so caught up in your change in activities, schedule, etc., that your usual dental care routine doesn’t remain consistent. Just remember: Give yourself a reminder to keep your routine going! Use sticky notes, rely on your phone notifications to remind you, or use the buddy system. You can do it!

Keep Your Smile On Track!

Pay close attention not only to the dental care you need to provide yourself when you’re living your usual daily life but also when your schedule gets completely turned around! See us every six months for helpful care and advice! Schedule a visit with your dentist in Austin, TX by contacting Austin General Dentistry today at 512-346-5540.

Dr. Loveless: