Restorations: The Things You Want To Ask But Don’t

Have you ever found yourself wanting to ask a question but you feel like you should know the answer, so you don’t ask? However, then you still don’t have the answer? If this comes up for you regarding restorations, then we think it’s time to realize: We won’t judge you! Ask, ask, ask. We are always here to help, which means we’re always ready to answer.

Questions and Answers

Question: I know that at first a restoration for my smile is going to make things so much better and my oral health will be back in shape again. However, will this last?

Answer: Yes! That is, we say yes assuming that you plan on taking good care of your smile with cleanings, checkups, brushing, and flossing. If so, you can expect years if not decades.

Question: What’s the word restoration mean? I know it has something to do with fixing my smile but I’m unsure about how to use the term.

Answer: It’s the word we use as the noun describing the physical work performed and left in or on your smile during a restorative treatment. For instance, examples include a dental crown or a filling.

Question: Is there any time you might suggest a restoration even though my mouth is perfectly healthy?

Answer: Possibly. If your oral health is fine but you are struggling with some esthetic damage that cannot be addressed with the usual approach (cosmetic care), then it might be time for a dental crown. They offer beautiful, lifelike coverage when treatments like veneers won’t allow you to make the changes you need.

Protect Your Smile With Our Restorations

Keep your oral health safe by receiving the restorations you need when you need them. Schedule a visit with your dentist in Austin, TX by contacting Austin General Dentistry today at 512-346-5540.

Dr. Loveless: