Getting Through Dental Hygiene With A Smile

Do you find that you frown just at the thought of dental hygiene? For those who need some help with getting brushing and flossing on track, we offer some very simple suggestions. While you may think you’re just someone who doesn’t like it or that there couldn’t possibly be anything new to learn, we challenge you to consider our advice! There are actually some surprisingly simply yet extremely powerful changes you can make that can help you smile when it comes to caring for your oral health.

You Can’t Brush For Two Minutes If You Only Have One

Remember that if you’re not giving yourself adequate time for your dental hygiene, it’s going to cause you some problems. If you give yourself just one minute in the morning as you’re getting ready but you need your full two minutes to brush, you’re setting yourself up for failure. Make it easy by scheduling out enough time and you’ll be so happy you did!

You Won’t Want To Brush If It Tastes Bad

Make some changes! Try mint instead of cinnamon and so on. It makes dental hygiene fun instead of a burden.

You Won’t Feel Like Flossing If You Don’t Know How

“But everyone knows how to floss!” you may think to yourself. Actually, we would disagree! While most people know how to cut a strand of floss off from the container and run it up and down between their teeth, many people don’t know the proper technique. If you’re not using enough floss (18 inches), winding the floss around your middle fingers, moving your way along to a new section as you move throughout your smile, and ensuring the floss grips the side of each tooth, then you may need a demonstration! When you know how to do it and do it well, you’re more likely to follow through.

Let Us Inspire You To Complete Your Dental Hygiene

We are happy to offer motivation through education, so you feel much more inclined to get through your dental hygiene than to ignore it. Schedule a visit with your dentist in Austin, TX by contacting Austin General Dentistry today at 512-346-5540.

Dr. Loveless: