Good Things to Know About ClearCorrect™

Today’s orthodontic treatment isn’t always what people expect. While many patients still require the traditional metal braces that most of us are used to seeing, increasingly more are able to enjoy straighter and more attractive smiles without needing brackets and wires. ClearCorrect™ is a system of clear, virtually invisible aligners that are custom-designed to fit comfortably and discreetly over your upper and lower teeth. The series of aligners is designed to gradually guide your crooked teeth into their desired positions, and for patients who qualify, ClearCorrect offers a more convenient and manageable solution to correcting crooked teeth.

How the aligners function

Metal braces work by gently and continuously applying pressure to your teeth to force them into straighter positions. They accomplish this with the help of brackets that are bonded to your teeth and wires that can be tightened to maintain the exact level of pressure necessary. Clear aligners work on the same principles. However, instead of relying on brackets and wires, patients can gradually realign their teeth using aligners that are designed to guide through progressive phases of tooth movement.

How the aligners remain undetectable

For optimal results, ClearCorrect aligners are precisely designed according to the size, shape, and curvature of your teeth and dental ridges. They’re also crafted from clear, BPA-free acrylic, and combined with their comfortable fit, this makes the aligners virtually invisible as you wear them throughout the day.

How they make treatment easier

In addition to esthetics, one of the biggest advantages of clear aligners is the fact that they can be temporarily removed for optimal convenience. Unlike traditional braces, you can take the aligners off before eating each meal or before brushing and flossing your teeth, then put them back in place after your teeth are clean.

Find Out if You Qualify for ClearCorrect™ Aligners

If your teeth need straightening, then you may be able to do it without the need for metal orthodontic braces. To find out if you qualify for ClearCorrect™ aligners, schedule a consultation by calling Austin General Dentistry in Austin, TX today at 512-346-5540.

Dr. Loveless: