Root Canal Treatment: Sounds Scary but Not

It’s almost a classic routine: somebody says “root canal” and everyone runs in the opposite direction. If lack of knowledge is fueling your fear, we invite you to learn more about the root canals of your teeth. Once you know more about where they are, how they stay healthy, and what happens when they are not, you can have a more realistic expectation of what will happen should you be referred for root canal treatment by a trusted dentist.

More About The Root Canals

The root canals are shaped somewhat like legs for the tooth. They are narrow chambers which surround and protect the pulp, which contains nerves and blood vessels. The root canals attach into the jawbone and hold teeth firmly in place.

What Can Happen To A Root Canal

When an opening in the outer layer of the tooth allows bacteria and infection to penetrate into the interior of the tooth, then trouble ensues. Enamel damage might be from poor oral hygiene or from trauma to the tooth. Cracks or fractures can also develop from the pressures of teeth grinding and other causes. If caught early, it may be possible to restore the tooth with a dental filling. In some cases however, the infection is more severe, and a root canal treatment is needed to save the tooth.

How Root Canal Therapy Repairs Problems

During root canal treatment, the area around the tooth will be numbed, and the infection in the root canals will be removed. The area will be cleaned, rinsed, and packed with a special material. In most cases, the tooth will be weakened and need the protection of a crown to avoid cracking. Crowns are extrememly durable and lifelike. In most cases, after a root canal treatment, you will have the same smile (minus the pain) as before.

You Don’t Need To Fear the Words “Root Canal Treatment”

If you have been recommended for root canal treatment, we want to see you as soon as possible. Schedule a visit with your dentist in Austin, TX by contacting Austin General Dentistry today at 512-346-5540.

Dr. Loveless: