Quiz: Dental Pain And Care

What do you know about dental pain? Do you think that it’s just a normal part of life that you need to deal with? Do you think that it should be just a little bit uncomfortable to brush and floss your smile? Maybe you aren’t sure how to respond to discomfort that doesn’t have a clear set of symptoms and a self-diagnosis. Let’s see where you are with your knowledge at the moment. When you understand how comfortable your smile should feel and how to manage it, protecting your oral health becomes much easier.

Quiz Questions: True or False?

  1. True or False: Dental pain is normal if it’s not severe. We encourage you to just ignore it, while you care for your teeth, and only worry if it’s serious.
  2. True or False: When you notice that dental hygiene hurts, it always means that you have a problem that will require some type of restorative care with us.
  3. True or False: If you aren’t sure about the cause of your pain, it’s not best to try to diagnose yourself. What is best is relying on our professional diagnosis.

Quiz Answers

  1. False. When you practice dental care at home, it is not supposed to hurt! In fact, no part of taking care of your smile should be very uncomfortable. If you notice pain, it’s a sign that something is off.
  2. False. Pain is often a signal letting you know that you are the problem! You might not be brushing and flossing correctly. Even too much pressure or a brush with hard bristles can lead to serious discomfort. Review proper practices when we see you next (and always care for your smile with a gentle approach).
  3. True. When you’re in pain, see us. We can then tell you what’s wrong and how to resolve the issue!

Let Us Know When You Need A Visit For Discomfort!

If you’re experiencing any type of pain, discomfort, swelling, etc., do not hesitate to call. Contact us immediately for a dental exam and solutions! Schedule a visit with your dentist in Austin, TX by contacting Austin General Dentistry today at 512-346-5540.

Dr. Loveless: