A Few Halloween Tips For Teeth

Halloween is a time for fun. It’s also a time for oral health tips! While you may roll your eyes just a bit and reassure us that you know sugar is bad for your smile because it encourages problems like tooth decay, we are here to remind you of something: That’s not the only thing you need to watch out for! Let us walk you through helpful suggestions, so you know you’re doing all that you can to enjoy a smile-safe October 31st.

Tip #1: Receive Care Now, Not Later

Think you might have a cavity? Worried about a tooth that feels like it may have broken? Don’t wait until the month is over. Come see us right away instead. This will allow you to enjoy a bit of candy on Halloween without finding yourself in excruciating pain. It will also let you restore your oral health now before matters, such as cavities, damage, or infection, become very serious.

Tip #2: Don’t Coat Your Teeth

What we are okay with is you eating a few pieces of candy here and there (then, if you can, you should rinse your smile with water, followed by a brushing session 30 minutes after that). What we aren’t happy with because it can harm your oral health? Eating it all day long, which results in teeth exposed to sugars without an end in sight.

Tip #3: Don’t Overload Your Teeth

Think about all of the things you may require of your teeth this Halloween! You may use your teeth to hold pins while you’re hemming a costume, to carry your child’s bag of candy when your hands are full, to chomp into treats, and more. Don’t push teeth too far (and keep sharp things out of your mouth) or you are liable to end up with oral health injuries.

Keep Your Smile Safe With Halloween Tips

Take our advice this year and remember that it’s possible to have fun without sacrificing your oral health. Schedule a visit with your dentist in Austin, TX by contacting Austin General Dentistry today at 512-346-5540.

Dr. Loveless: