How To Get That Whiter Smile You’re After

When you decide you’re ready for a whiter smile, you might feel very excited. Hooray! you think to yourself, I’m finally going to feel great about my smile! Then, of course, you stand there blinking and asking yourself what to do next. The answer, in short, is: Schedule a consultation with our practice, so we can inform you all about which cosmetic treatment is a good fit for you. Right now, you can also learn a little more about those options with our help.

Choose Teeth Whitening

You can choose teeth whitening to help you attain a whiter smile if you’re dealing with discoloration that’s had a widespread impact on your smile. In order to qualify for this option, remember that it’s a treatment we can only offer for natural tooth tissue. Additionally, it works well for mild stains to moderate stains. However, deep, internal, and extremely hard-to-treat stains may benefit from other choices.

Consider Bonding

Do you have a stain on a couple of your teeth? If so, we can easily cover up problems with this treatment that lets us spot treat your teeth. Dental bonding allows us to paint a thin, natural-looking layer of composite (we customize the hue) over your tooth surface.

Rely On Veneers

You may also wish to choose porcelain veneers for your smile. These offer immense camouflaging, while they also provide you with the gift of customizing other details. Get your whiter smile (and additional benefits) with gorgeous, lifelike veneers.

Achieve A Whiter Smile With Cosmetic Care

Come in for the cosmetic treatment that’s right for you, so your smile is white and glistening. Schedule a visit with your dentist in Austin, TX by contacting Austin General Dentistry today at 512-346-5540.

Dr. Loveless: