Canker Sores: A Very Helpful Quiz

What’s that extremely annoying ulcer in your mouth? Is it your old friend, the very uncomfortable canker sore? If so, you might have questions that come up every time you get one. However, since they tend to go away on their own, you might forget all about those questions, so you forget to ask us about the sores, and then the cycle continues when the next one shows up. Not to worry. We’re accustomed to answering some frequent questions, which we will quickly address with one information-packed quiz.

Quiz Questions: True or False?

  1. True or False: Canker sores and oral herpes are the exact same thing. As a result, you will need to be very careful to avoid contact with others to prevent them from spreading.
  2. True or False: If you want your sore to go away, you should clean it as often as possible with your toothbrush and a tiny bit of toothpaste.
  3. True or False: If you are dealing with serious discomfort or a sore that simply will not heal, it’s time to come in to our practice for a checkup.

Quiz Answers

  1. False. The two sores are not the same. Canker sores do not require medication nor can they spread from person to person.
  2. False. Helping the sore to go away is most easily accomplished by swishing with salt water throughout the day and leaving it untouched. Otherwise, you may aggravate it and make matters worse.
  3. True. When you find yourself faced with a surprisingly severe sore and/or one that hangs around without beginning to heal and go away all by itself, it is most certainly a good plan to come in for a visit.

Visit Us If You’re Unsure About An Oral Sore

Remember that it is always wisest to come see us for issues like sores if you are unsure about what you’re seeing or if a problem persists. Schedule a visit with your dentist in Austin, TX by contacting Austin General Dentistry today at 512-346-5540.

Dr. Loveless: