Your Dental Cleaning: The Major W’s!

There’s no question to you whether or not we recommend professional dental cleanings (we do, of course!). However, the reasons behind why you need one, what it does, the frequency with which you should receive one, and more may tend to give you pause. Well, today we turn over a new leaf! Rather than remain curious, learn all that you need to learn with the major W’s (Translation: the who, what, where, when, and why factors).

WHO Is It For?

Dental cleanings are for everyone one year of age and older (or younger if a first tooth arrives sooner than the one-year mark). So, essentially, cleanings are for everyone. “But what if my smile isn’t healthy and I need a filling or other work?” you might ask us. Still, you need cleanings to prevent additional problems.

WHAT Is The Purpose?

The purpose of the cleaning is very simple: To remove plaque and tartar and to polish your smile. You’ll come in, lie back and relax, we will use through and delicate techniques to remove plaque and tartar buildup from your smile, and we will use a gentle polishing instrument (and refreshing toothpaste) to clean your teeth!

WHERE Should I Receive One?

Well, this is the easiest of the bunch: With our practice, of course! Give us a call when you are ready. We look forward to treating existing patients and to meeting new ones.

WHEN Do I Need Them?

You need them two times each year. You will notice that we suggest one appointment every six months. As a result, you’ll consistently reap the benefits of a very clean smile.

WHY Is This So Important?

Dental cleanings are so very important because they remove the primary cause of tooth decay and gingivitis (plaque and tartar), while ensuring your care at home is more effective.

Protect Your Oral Health With Cleanings

When you’re ready to receive the next of your essential six-month dental cleanings, all it takes is picking up the phone and setting up an appointment with our practice. Schedule a visit with your dentist in Austin, TX by contacting Austin General Dentistry today at 512-346-5540.

Dr. Loveless: