3 Reasons To Get Your Filling Immediately

If you need a dental filling, you need it immediately. Not sure why you can’t just wait a few weeks (or a few months), particularly if it doesn’t’ seem to be causing you any problems at the moment? Unfortunately, the tooth decay you’re dealing with right now will certainly begin causing you some serious challenges if you don’t get a move on with scheduling your treatment! Didn’t know it was so important to act with urgency? Let us explain with some compelling information.

#1: For Comfort’s Sake

Cavities don’t feel good when they become moderate to severe. Even tiny ones can end up feeling sensitive. When you come in for your dental filling, you let us restore the structure of your tooth, so discomfort and sensitivity are no longer a worry.

#2: So You Don’t Need Crown…Or Root Canal…Or…

When it’s time for a dental filling, tooth decay has already begun the initial stage of your tooth’s demise! Unfortunately, as soon as a cavity is present, you’re on the road toward much more severe problems (unless, of course, you allow us to fix the problem). Decay is progressive, which means your cavity isn’t going to stay little or stop growing. Instead, you might end up with a broken tooth or infection (and then require a crown, root canal, or even tooth removal) if you neglect the issue.

#3: You’ll Avoid Crying, Spending Extra Money, And Time

A serious cavity can become very painful, which means you may find yourself shedding a few tears, heading out to spend money on pain relievers, dealing with more expensive treatments that you didn’t need in the first place (like root canal therapy), and the list of complications continues. Schedule care immediately, so you can receive a quick, convenient filling!

Get Your Filling To Avoid Damage

Placing a dental filling the moment tooth decay is detected will save you from experiencing unnecessary damage. Schedule a visit with your dentist in Austin, TX by contacting Austin General Dentistry today at 512-346-5540.

Dr. Loveless: