Is It Really Sugar Free?
If you turn a food package over and don’t see the word “sugar,” don’t think you’re in the clear. There are many forms of sugar that can damage your teeth and lead to tooth decay that might not necessarily be known as “sugar.” If you see the term fructose, glucose, or sucrose (table sugar), these all contribute to decay. So, either avoid it or remember to brush afterwards.
A Quick Sweet Drink Versus Long-Term Sipping
Think about the way bacteria on your teeth consume sugar and then release acids on your dental tissue (which is how decay occurs). If this happens once a day for a brief amount of time versus all day long, continuously, which is worse for your teeth? The latter, of course. As a result, if you’re drinking something with sugar in it, we suggest you drink it and then rinse (and brush, if you can) your smile. Avoid all-day sipping to avoid tooth decay.