Gum Disease: The Essential Details

If you’re short on details regarding gum disease, you might feel a little bit like you’re just going through the motions of dental hygiene without knowing if you’re optimizing your efforts. You might also find yourself feeling uneasy, wondering if there’s something else you should be doing to avoid this problem, if it’s even an issue that should be on your radar, and how to notice it if it occurs. The wonderful news is that once you have the essential details stored away in your mind, gum problems are something you will understand and that you can easily avoid. Learn more!

How Can I Detect It?

You may notice red or purple gums, inflamed gum tissue, gums that bleed (particularly when you brush), or tender gum tissue as symptoms of the problem. If so, you should contact us immediately. However, gum disease may also happen without the presentation of any obvious symptoms. In this case, we will find it for you during your six-month dental checkups. This is why we urge all of our patients to remember to keep up with preventive visits.

How Can I Stop It From Happening?

Gum disease happens when plaque builds up on your smile. The bacteria-laden plaque then hardens into tartar (or calculus), which cannot be removed with your floss or toothbrush, only a professional cleaning. The longer the plaque and tartar touch your gum tissue, the greater the irritation and inflammation that follow, which may lead to infection. Prevention is simple:

  • Brush twice daily, including along your gumline
  • Floss once daily
  • Remember to schedule your cleanings and exams with us, two times every year
Dr. Loveless: