Dental Contouring: Introductory Details

Are you having some doubts about whether the way your smile looks will ever be able to fall in line with the way you wish it looked? When problems that include extra tissue, barely overlapping teeth, and strange tooth borders come into play, we understand the concern that perhaps you’re stuck with what nature gave you. To the contrary, we are also happy to report that we offer dental contouring to take care of these types of problems. Find out more about this cosmetic treatment, so you can quickly begin your better-looking-smile journey.

Contouring: The Basics

To introduce dental contouring, we are glad to say that it is a cosmetic treatment meant to remove excess dental tissue. Tissue may be considered excessive because you don’t like the way it looks or feels. Consider the following:

  • How We Do It: We will get rid of excess tissue by using a very gentle yet effective smoothing device. It buffs the extra enamel off of your tooth, leaving you with the desired effect.
  • What It Accomplishes: Dental contouring can make your tooth shorter, make it slightly thinner (which is helpful with overlapped teeth), smooth texture, or address other shape concerns like pointy or strangely-shaped teeth.
  • What You May Pair With It: You can choose to contour certain teeth and still qualify for teeth whitening and dental bonding.

Is It For You?

Wondering if you will qualify for dental contouring to improve your smile? In most cases, the answer is yes. For a final word on whether contouring is the best choice for you, come see us for a consultation.

Dr. Loveless: