Dental Checkup Quiz

Do you know why we suggest you come in for a dental checkup to protect your smile? Are you sure about when you should be coming in for care or do you tend to schedule your appointments when the thought suddenly strikes? How about the purpose of checkups, do you feel fully educated regarding the details? If so, we applaud you and hope you are remaining dedicated to your care! If not, no worries. We can quickly offer you the helpful information you need. Let’s see where you stand … take our quiz!

Quiz Questions: True or False?

  1. True or False: You should be scheduling your dental checkup when you think your teeth have not been looking very good or when something hurts.
  2. True or False: A dental checkup is something that you will need to schedule on its own. We cannot provide you with a cleaning during this time.
  3. True or False: We encourage checkups because it’s impossible for you to be aware of every change occurring in your own mouth.

Quiz Answers

  1. False. You are welcome to schedule a visit any time you think you need one. However, for your preventive care, you should schedule a dental checkup in intervals of at least once every six months for effective attention to your oral health.
  2. False. Our preventive visits that we schedule for every patient include both a checkup and a cleaning. It’s a wonderful way to help you keep your smile in its best condition.
  3. True. By noticing a change on your behalf, we can treat it and return your smile to health before damage has time to make its mark.
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